Fitness Loves Flowers

How would it feel to lose WEIGHT for the LAST time?

Unlock the possibilities of lasting change—I’ll show you how!

When we start a diet we skip the most important piece of behavior change. You have to understand WHY you eat and what you're feeling, physically and emotionally.

Is this you?

You want to eat healthier, but your cravings are so intense.

You want to start exercising, but you barely have the energy to get through the day.

You finally get momentum, then pain and stress creep in, and you’re back where you started.

You find yourself thinking, “My body is broken. There must be something wrong with me.”

When you feel like your body is against you, it’s time for change.

I understand, and we can tackle these challenges by addressing your needs. Achieving your fitness and health goals happens when your needs are met. Here’s how coaching can make it possible.

Six Month Coaching Program

What You Get in this Program

How You Feel After the Program

Weight Struggles: Say goodbye to the daily struggle of managing your weight effortlessly.

Mindful Eating: Silence the internal debate on what to eat and when with mindful and intuitive choices.

Symptom Understanding: Gain profound insight into your body’s signals, eliminating any fear associated with symptoms.

All-day Energy: Experience a newfound vitality that keeps you energized from dawn to dusk.

Present Moments: Immerse yourself fully in the meaningful moments of your life, savoring each experience.

Break Negative Thought Loops: Develop the power to swiftly break free from negative thought loops, preserving your precious time and energy.

What You Get in the Program

Integrated Approach: Utilize both cognitive and somatic tools for a holistic transformation.

Weekly 60-Minute Sessions: Set and achieve goals with ongoing accountability and support. Address challenges along the way.

Breakthroughs in Thoughts: Experience significant shifts in your mindset regarding weight, food, pain, and self-image.

Nutritional Deep Dive: Identify and release limiting beliefs around food to break free from unhealthy eating patterns.

Personalized Fitness Programs: Receive updated workout plans and nutritional guidance tailored to your progress.

Sustainable Weight Maintenance: Get everything you need to sustain your weight loss, freeing up energy for other aspects of your life.


I’m Katie!

Certified Life, Pain, and Weight Loss Coach.

I teach people how to get out of pain and lose weight for the last time. Through coaching, I help women reduce pain, increase energy, and heal their relationship with food and exercise. Incorporating psychological tools from life coaching and pain reprocessing therapy with scientific methods in nutrition and exercise, I help you address and understand your health in a new way.

Are You Ready for Some Serious Changes?

Your Path to Transformation Begins Now!