Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I’m not disciplined.” Or “I’m not consistent.”
These are the sneaky thoughts.
What is discipline? Consistency?
They’re a result of multiple actions over time.
They’re a result of how you think, how you feel, and repeated action.
They are not facts.
And better yet, they can be changed.
I find that when people come to me and tell me about their lack of discipline, they see it as a character flaw. They accept it as truth, as part of their identity. What they don’t see is that it’s something they create.
Here’s the thing.
If you tell yourself, “I’m not consistent,” you live into it. You skip workouts and are on and off of healthy eating.
If you tell yourself you lack discipline, you raid the pantry. It almost becomes an excuse. Since you’re not disciplined, it would make sense that the pantry is never off-limits.
You live into these beliefs.
They’re like invasive weeds. It starts in one place in your life, then gradually spreads to many. It may begin with your diet, then creep into exercise, then bedtime, then deadlines at work. O
ver time, it overtakes over the garden in your mind. Please know that those unfavorable qualities that you once thought were true can be weeded out. They aren’t you. They’re what you let grow.
The first step?
Identify them.
Name them.
See where they’re growing and what they’re creating.
You’ll see they’re crowding out the parts of you that you want to grow.
Once you know they’re there, you can’t unsee them. It takes them from unconscious to conscious, and that’s the first step towards change.
We think that it’s the calories that are the problem, but it’s really these deep-seated beliefs that keep us doing the same things over and over again.
Can you find any of these beliefs within yourself?
How do you show up when you tell yourself you don’t have discipline or consistency?
Where can you find places in your life where the opposite is true?
Where do your discipline and consistency flourish?
Get your gloves on and be ready to weed them out when you see them.
You can change. Trust me. If I can do it, you can, too.